Oh, so now folks out there talkin' 'bout makin' socks right at home, just push a button on some fancy...
Read moreOh, talking 'bout them vintage sock knitting machines, huh? Well, let me tell ya, these old machines, they're somethin' else....
Read moreEh, if you're lookin' for a sock knitting machine for sale, lemme tell ya, these machines are somethin'. Folks used...
Read more你想知道knitting machine for socks咋用呀?这事儿,俺可得跟你唠唠,这机器可是个好东西,省事又省力,哪像以前用针一个个缝呢,眼睛都看花了!现在有了这knitting machine,可真是方便多了。 你看嘞,这种knitting machine,有圆的、有方的,什么Sentro、Addi这些牌子,都是挺有名的。俺知道的Sentro knitting machine,像那个22针的,用来织袜子是最合适不过了。用法也特别简单,你不用整天捏着针戳嘞戳的,这机器一转,线就顺着钉子绕开了,一行一行地织出来,别提多轻松了。还有啥row counter呢,帮你数着织了多少圈,不用再数着头发都白了。 再说这袜子,一般人想织个boot socks或者bed socks,这机器织起来可快了。粗点的线用这种圆形织袜机一卷就成型了,穿上暖和得很。就拿那个Addi Express的来说,小小的,拿起来也不费劲,1.76磅,轻得跟个鸡蛋似的。 你要是问哪个牌子好,这得看你自己用着顺手不。俺听说Sentro那种48针的,织出来的东西更快更多,适合做大件的。不过,咱要是只图织袜子啥的,22针的就够用了。织个毛线袜子、帽子啥的都挺好。 你得把线穿进机器,别忘了绕到针钉上嘞。 然后,手一转,或者有的机器你一按那手柄,它就自己开始织了。 想织多长嘞,你自己调,机器上的计数器帮你看着呢,不用自己操心。 说真的,现在这sock knitting...
Read moreWell, you see, these antique sock knitting machines ain't like them new-fangled gadgets you see nowadays. Back in the old...
Read moreHey, let me tell ya, makin' socks on a machine, that ain't as hard as some folks might think. Ya...
Read moreHey, you know, knit socks on a machine? Oh, that’s a good thing! Don’t be scared, it’s not hard at...
Read moreWell, you see, this thing called a "machine for knitting socks" is quite handy, let me tell ya. Back in...
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