Oh, let me tell ya somethin’ ’bout this newfangled thing called a 3D printed sock knitting machine! Back in my...
Read moreOh, let me tell ya, them vintage sock knitting machines, they ain’t like what ya find today. Back in them...
Read moreHey, you know, nowadays folks ain’t knitting socks by hand no more. They got these fancy machines now, called sock...
Read more嘿,说到这编袜子的机器嘞,这玩意儿真是方便呢!要不然你想想,拿针一针一针地织,那得织到啥时候嘞?现在有了这 knitting machine for socks,可真是帮了大忙了,不管是年轻的,还是像俺这样的,手脚不太灵便的,都能弄明白。 这些 knitting machines 可不是啥高深的技术活儿,就说那 circular knitting machine 吧,操作可简单了。有手摇的,有电动的,想怎么来就怎么来。你用手摇的,只要转那把手,纱线就绕着机器上的针子跑,这样不一会儿就能织好一双袜子。也不用担心啥技术问题,机器自己都能算行数,你就看着它转就行。 这些机器也不贵,像Sentro Knitting Machine这种,价钱也不高,几十块钱就能买一台。俺家那个机器嘞,就大概三十来块钱买的,还挺皮实,整天在那儿用,压根没啥问题。用它织袜子速度快,不像用传统针织那样慢吞吞。 再有嘞,这机器特别适合织bed socks或者boot socks,特别厚实,穿上暖和。咱那几个大姐都是用这机器给家里人织袜子,晚上睡觉穿着也舒服,冬天也不怕脚冷。 说实在的,这种机器嘞,不光是织袜子,织帽子、围巾、甚至小毛衣啥的,都能搞定。家里孩子小,织个小帽子也不费劲。这机器能调行数,不管是短的还是长的,都能织出来。...
Read moreEh, this circular knitting machine is somethin’ else, let me tell ya. Now, I ain’t no expert on all them...
Read moreAh, them antique sock knitting machines, let me tell ya, they sure do look all fancy and old, but are...
Read moreYou know, in the old days, people used to knit socks by hand, sitting by the fire, taking their time....
Read moreAh, let me tell ya somethin’ ’bout them knit machines. Nowadays, folks don’t be knittin’ by hand much no more....
Read moreYou know, back in the old days, we used to knit everything by hand, but now, oh my, there are...
Read moreHey, you know, back in the day, knitting a sweater took forever, right? But now, they got these machines, called...
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